
This form is used to enter lots of payments for any film like the charges on advertising, transportation, custom, etc.

Form have 2 variants of the data to be selected – by film or by billing company.

And the values that should be entered are: Amount, Tax, Month (default: current), Year (default: current).

All other values if omitted – will be filled by zeros and empty values.

Therefore be accurate when you are working with this form.

Note: The “cost num” is an autopopulated value. It consist of first 3 letters of the billing company name (if selected), or there is the studio name (if the film is selected). And the rest part is the number next after existing cost number. For example, for studio “FDM” – if “FDM1”, “FDM2”, “FDM3” are exists, then the next number will be “FDM4”.

Cost form