Table of Contents

FDM fast start

Ok, here I wanna described tips we need now to start to create new FDM environment. Because we have new client who want to use our product in their production.

Let's go do it step-by-step…

Every day work

But before do it I should described what work every day do old FDM employees. They fill box office data every day. Flat - sometimes, cost - too. Pull out different reports.

What do admin here – overview all the process, update cinemas, exchange rates, check billing companies, and so on.

Ok, looks like we need write long article about tips, what to do at first, what to do in next. Because we started with FDM so many years ago, so it became as our home.

Go to setup everything


Countries linked by cinemas and the exchange rates. We should add as many countries, as we will have cinemas in them and billing companies.


Each country have a currency, it can be one currencies along several countries.

Exchange rate

One currency + month + year – one exchange rate, should be added every month and to be in future month too.


Before to work with any film we should add at least one cinema

Billing company

Every country should have one billing company


Is a studio short code like PAR to work with films


City used in DGBOS report with group cinemas by the cities keys. So if you not need to use DGBOS report now – you could leave that.

Cost category

Ok I leave here full list from old FDM database


Used in cost data, can be edited later when any cost data will be needed to enter.

Tax rate

Applied for every country, contains tax for invoice and tax rate itself.

I hope that's enough, if I forgot to describe something – feel free to find any more data and fill it.

Films data


Every film has a studio and release date. With FDM we have one release date per every key city.


Before to enter any box office record we should fill terms for the film and every cinema where it's going on, also every week has own value.

Example: 50,45,40,35+ – means first week has 50%, second week 45%, third week 40%, 4th and so on weeks - 35%.


These data contains some ratings and data needed to make OWE and DGBOS reports.

Box office record

Ok, after terms and comparative data has been entered – fill free to enter new box office data.