====== Tips ====== |exchrate_edit || |box_office_edit || |box_office || |terms || |flat |1. Enter a note on the invoice if needed, for instance - Advance payment only!
2. Check 'Pending' if the booking is under negotiation or otherwise tentative.| |payment | | |cost | | |estimates || |comparatives | | |exchrate |
| |fix_invoice |1. If you wish to correct or edit data in the current month, do that in 'Edit box office' or 'Edit terms' instead.
2. This window will issue a supplementary invoice to a previously issued invoiced.
3. The 'Fixed invoice' date must be sometime after the latest studio reports have been filed. For instance if you have already filed the Studio report for July, then enter an August date. This will prevent changing any amount that has already been reported.
4. You must enter an invoice date for the corrected invoice !! | |owe_rep | |