In compare with previous release at 14-Mar-11
Very small: level = 40
Very small: level = 41
Very small: level = 42
Very small: level = 50
Very small: level = 51
Very small: level = 43
Very small: level = 39
Very small: level = 37
Very small: level = 35
Very small: level = 34
Very small: level = 36
Very small: level = 32
Very small: level = 31
Very small: level = 52
Very small: level = 53
New form.
New form.
Levels are: 44..49
Added the mix_levels() procedure from “view_rights.aspx.cs”.
Added the the link to “view_rights.aspx” form.
Add the “ALL” studios feature.
(this form is read-only variant, is using in the “audit1.aspx” form for details)
Updates in the database structure
Added the 'jqueryui' library into the header of HTML.
Added the CSS style of the 'jqueryui' library into the header of HTML.
Added some images from the 'jqueryui' library.
The 'jqueryui' library itself.
New report.
New form.
New form.
New form.
New form.