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Invoice Report

This report is used very frequently.

At first select the type of report – single or weekly, and it'll be in local currency LC, or USD.

Single invoice

You can select the invoice number by “search” (if you know its code), or by search – Film, Cinema, and Week.

Hit “submit” to get it.

Single Invoice

Click on the bottom part on your google chrome to see the report in MS Excel.

Weekly invoices

This feature allow to generate several invoices in one big multispreadsheets excel file.

Select: Cinema and Week (latest by default).

And you'll result the list of all invoices on this week and in this cinema.

Weekly invoice

Now you can select one of variants:

  • Click on every invoice onto the form like “INV1”, “INV2” to get it
  • Or click on “Submit” and you'll select all invoices in one big multipaged MS Excel datasheet

Weekly invoice in the MS Excel

reports/invoice.txt · Last modified: 2011/07/27 06:24 by